Create your ad and let the available babysitter come to you !
It is the babysitters who freely set their rates, in line with the minimum legal salary of the country in which they provide their services.
The rate displayed on the site represents the babysitter's net salary per hour + Marypop's commission.
The net rate displayed on Marypop does not include :
- social and employer's charges
- paid holidays for the babysitter (if you have chosen a permanent contract, "CDI" in French)
- the precariousness premium paid at the end of the contract (if you have chosen a limited duration contract, "CDD" in French).
Marypop babysitters are not self-employed: the parent is their employer. The parent therefore declares his/her babysitter to the relevant administrative body (for instance, Pajemploi for France) and pays the employer and employee contributions.
Marypop uses a payment service provider that allows you to pay securely by credit card in just one click.
We use the services of a company specializing in secure payments and bank details hosting. This company is PCI level 1 certified, the highest level of security.
First of all, it's convenient! No need to withdraw money before you go home! Moreover, by using Marypop to pay, you avoid any misunderstanding or omission at the time of payment: you pay the exact amount that corresponds to the service performed, without discussion.
Marypop charges parents a commission which allows it to develop the platform and select the best babysitter profiles.
Parents can also take out a package, which is not compulsory and allows them to book babysittings at a reduced rate for a set period.
The Marypop team carefully checks each babysitter profile. The documents requested and examined are: identity papers, BAFA, diplomas and certifications related to childhood. We also ask each babysitter to write his/her ad in each language he/she speaks.100% of the profiles published on the Marypop website have been verified.
Declaring your babysitters and having a contract between you and them is mandatory. Indeed, this allows you to be covered by insurance. For further information, you might visit :
Pajemploi puts at your disposal contract templates:
The CAF booklet will guide you through the process:
The video services offer you a video support service between children and multilingual speakers: simple exchange, animation or homework support... you decide the mission entrusted to your video-sitter.
1. You select the "video" service on Marypop home page and the language spoken: no need to select your city, as the service is provided by video.
2. You send a message to the babysitter of your choice from, and you exchange about your wishes, tastes and languages of your children. Exactly like baby-starting.
3. You book an online session
4. You pay online and you automatically receive the phone number of your videositter by e-mail, who also receives yours.
5. On the day, you connect each other via video from Whatsapp, Skype or any video service of your choice.
With Marypop services, you can call on our babysitters to look after a child aged 3 and over.
To leave a review, simply log in with your email address and password on and click on the profile of the babysitter concerned. Then click on "View reviews" and "Write your review". After a possible moderation, your review will be published on the site within 48 hours.
It is possible to babysit from the age of 16. Any minor wishing to work must be authorised to do so by his or her legal representative (father or mother, for example), unless he or she is emancipated.
The Marypop service is 100% free for babysitters. In particular, the profiles of babysitters are checked free of charge by our teams.
By using Marypop to get paid by parents, you avoid any misunderstanding or omission at the time of payment: overtime, extra childcare, night hours... you are guaranteed to be paid at the price you have set, without discussion.
You are free to set your rate while respecting the legal minimum wage in your country. The rate you enter on Marypop is the net rate per hour and your will get paid the amount of that net rate.
You will be paid by bank transfer to the bank account details you provided when registering with Marypop, according to the number of hours worked (including any overtime), and after you have completed this procedure after your babysitting :
- After your babysitting, you have to validate the end of your babysitting: to do so, go to your Marypop account, heading "My bookings", then click on the booking concerned.
- By clicking on the "Confirm end of babysitting" button, you will be able to confirm (or modify) the hours you have worked before validating your schedule.
- The parent is then automatically invited by email to confirm these schedules.
- You will then be paid within 3 days (excluding weekends) maximum.
It is mandatory to report income received from the use of Marypop.
For more information, you can also consult the following website:
Yes for France. You must complete and print the DEROGATORY TRAVEL CERTIFICATE.
Yes for Spain. You must complete and print this document.
Also take an official ID with you as well as a screenshot of the booking on Marypop and the phone number of your employers.
In the face of the coronavirus, there are simple gestures to preserve your health and that of your family and friends:
- Wash your hands very regularly. Here is the IRNS tutorial:
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a handkerchief.
- Greeting without shaking hands, avoiding hugs.
- Use single-use tissues and dispose of them.
- Do not touch your face with your hands (and do not touch someone else's face).
- Avoid gatherings, limit travel and contacts
The IRNS website gives you here a complete information.
A short video presentation can help parents who view your profile to get to know you better, and it will surely inspire more confidence. You'll be more likely to be contacted later!
- Your video should last between 1.30 min and 2 min.
- Shoot this video outside ideally (park, garden...)
- Non-extravagant clothing (no sunglasses, no hat, headphones, mask;)
- Orientation of the video in landscape mode and not in portrait mode
- Remember to smile well and project a positive image of yourself!
To introduce yourself, you can start with your first name and country of origin (specify if you have dual nationality or if you have lived abroad), then mention the languages you speak (saying a few words in them) as well as your hobbies and interests. Finally, tell us why you enjoy looking after children and talk about your experience as a babysitter.
Once the video has been filmed, you need to post it on Vimeo or YouTube (you can use the "Unlisted" option), then attach the link in the "My Info" section. Don't forget to save it afterwards!
Your contact details will be automatically transmitted via the platform to the parent as soon as a reservation is confirmed: it is therefore unnecessary to give them your details.
Furthermore, for your own safety, we invite you never to give your details before a reservation is made or not go to a babysitting that has not been booked though the platform.
Finally, our system detects messages containing this information and your account will be suspended automatically.
If you want to stop being visible on our website, just send "OFF" to or to or to activate the "holiday mode" on your Dashboard on
If you want to be visible again on our website, just send "ON" to or to deactivate the "holiday mode" if you had activated it.
If you are available a few days of the week between 4.30pm and 7pm? We advise you to select the "After-school care" service in the "My Info" tab of your Dashboard. This way your profile will be directly visible to parents looking for this service.
This table allows you to inform parents about your general timetable and to receive more qualified requests. You will find it in the "My Availabilities" section of your Dashboard.
Absolutely: all they have to do is register on Marypop, then go to your page and click on "Write a review". It will be published within 24 hours (unless moderated) by our team. Of course, it's free of charge. Chck this poage for motre information: