Whether it is to take a breather, to please you alone, as a couple or with friends, or for more urgent needs, you will certainly need at some point in your parental life to look for a babysitter for a wedding or for many other occasions. Let us list those moments for you…
In any case, you can count on Marypop! As the 1st bilingual babysitting platform in Europe, we offer you more than 300 babysitters whose profiles have been 100% carefully checked and who speak the language of your choice. Thanks to Marypop, you can therefore be sure to entrust your children to someone you can trust, who is also able to help them progress in a foreign language, all while having fun! Find a babysitter for a wedding or for any other occasion on Marypop!
Moreover, thanks to our platform available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, finding a babysitter for a wedding or other event has never been easier. In 2 clicks, it’s done!
Find a babysitter for a wedding or other ceremonies (baptism, Bar Mitzvah, family reunions…)
Are you going to attend the wedding of one of your relatives (or another kind of ceremony), you even participate in its organization? However, taking your children with you can be exhausting, especially the little ones who need to be looked after all day long, even if it means keeping them quiet during the long ceremony or the interminable meal, preventing them from staining their beautiful clothes… which can prevent you from taking full advantage of this beautiful occasion to celebrate. That would be a shame! With Marypop, everything becomes easier: calling a baby-sitter for a wedding is indeed THE good idea and thanks to your super baby-sitter, you can leave them at home for a day or even a night. You also have the possibility to hire a baby-sitter, or even several, to take care of the children of the guests and yours during the party, who will then have fun outside of parental supervision and can do various activities with other young people of their age. To find a babysitter for a wedding easily click here.

Valentine’s Day
For the lovers’ day, why not enjoy a candlelit dinner in a romantic setting with your partner? It’s the perfect day for it, if only to take advantage of the various discounts offered for this occasion! Entrust your children to a trusted baby-sitter who will take care of them and let you enjoy your time together in complete serenity.
Another argument to convince you to go out: you won’t have to rush to put the children to bed before enjoying the evening with your spouse, or even to put them back to bed if they get up!

New Year’s Eve
Do you want to celebrate New Year’s Eve in a festive atmosphere, by going to a friend’s house or a restaurant, or even (why not) a cabaret? So don’t hesitate to call on a trusted baby-sitter who will undoubtedly cancel all his or her plans and take care of your little ones and do the famous countdown with them! For the youngest among them, he/she will know how to miraculously make them go from going to bed to waking up from one year to the next.

Wedding/meeting anniversary
With Valentine’s Day, your wedding anniversary or your anniversary of meeting someone is the ideal occasion to go out for a romantic getaway together and remember your beautiful memories… Whether you decide to go to your meeting place (or your wedding place!), to take a walk by the water, to test the restaurant that you were so tempted by, or even more madly: you are having a honeymoon again, enjoy this moment of grace in complete tranquility. Your children will have fun with their super babysitter!

Going to a restaurant for a romantic evening or with friends
Why look for a particular excuse for a restaurant outing, when you have the pleasure of simply enjoying a good meal and the joy of gathering around a table for two or with friends? It is in any case an excellent way to free yourself from the daily routine, where you share your time between work, children, domestic chores… and therefore little time to be alone “among adults”. Thanks to your super babysitter, usually available in the evening, this is possible! Enjoy your evening in peace and quiet, find yourself, while he/she takes care of your children.

Cultural outing
Do you want to be entertained for a special occasion or just for fun? Or do you want to cultivate yourself in a museum or an exhibition? While the opening hours of some establishments such as cinemas are wide (but you are probably very busy during the day and not necessarily available), theatre or opera plays, for example, often take place at children’s bedtime. A babysitter is therefore more than necessary! So don’t hesitate and have a good time!

To relax and take care of yourself
Need to relax? What could be better than a good massage in a spa or a swim in a thermal spa? And if you want to take care of yourself, letting yourself go to a hair or beauty salon can help. You may even have taken the day off for this, but what if you have children on your hands? It’s hard to take them with you unless you find a good occupation for them. So let yourself be pampered for a moment, either literally, in the spa baths or in the hands of a professional, and figuratively, by letting a babysitter, whom you can trust, take care of your children, help them with their homework and organise activities according to their interests.

Playing sports
Are you an accomplished sportsman or a weekend warrior who wants to maintain your physique and your health? Or are you planning to let off steam for a day or a weekend alone, with your partner or friends, with a sports getaway, such as climbing, canoeing, skiing, or trekking? But you sometimes lack time, or even a trusted person to take care of your children. So, while taking them, although a family outing is always fun, you will have to adapt to their slower pace and needs, so you may not be able to do everything you like. Don’t worry, our super Marypop babysitters are there to take care of them and let you have fun too!

For an appointment or a more urgent need
A doctor’s appointment or a bank appointment scheduled? Or a parent-teacher meeting? Thanks to your baby-sitter, you won’t have to delay them because of lack of custody! Otherwise, do you have a sick child to take to the doctor urgently? Traffic jams prevent you from picking up your child on time from the crèche? Situations like these can happen at any time. It’s difficult to foresee them and especially to get organised in such conditions! Fortunately, baby-sitters, being most of them students, and therefore a priori more flexible than nannies, are more likely to make themselves available at the last minute!
You can find some other advices here: http://www.garde-enfant.org/garde-enfant-faut-il-recourir-a-un-babysitter/
We hope that we have convinced you of the importance of taking a step back from the daily routine that you can follow, and above all that we have made you want to give yourself time just for yourself, alone, as a couple or with friends. We would also like to stress that our super Marypop babysitters will always be there for you and ready to take over. So don’t hesitate to go to marypop.com where you can consult the profiles of our baby-sitters without subscription, you will undoubtedly find the rare pearl! Find a babysitter for a wedding or for another event with Marypop and be sure to have a nice party.
In addition to our rather “traditional” baby-sitting services, discover also on our website our homework help or foreign language initiation services, notably available by video. In addition to all of this, we will soon be offering you an after-school childcare service, in order to provide you with greater comfort and to help your children develop!