ref : 12583-MARYPOP-090624
After-school babysitting
From the : 2026-09-09
City : Bilbo (48003)
Number of children cared for : 2
Ages of the children : 6 years, 1 years
Languages : English
Desired days and times :
From : 13:30 to 17:30
From : 13:30 to 17:30
From : 13:30 to 17:30
From : 13:30 to 17:30
From : 13:30 to 17:30
Details of the request :
Hola! My husband and I are British, and we will be staying in Bilbao city centre for almost two weeks in July (16–28 July). We are looking for a babysitter who can take care of our six-year-old and two-year-old sons every weekday afternoon (13:30–17:30) while we work. You can use our home as a "base", but they also love being outside and visiting interesting places. We are happy to pay admission for any activities you take them to. If you have any questions, let me know! Thanks, Michelle