Find a trusted babysitter

all over Europe


Find out more about our super babysitters!

Our babysitters are trusted, creative and bilingual people, whose profiles have been carefully checked by us: they are able to take care of your child aged over 3, in the language of your choice.

Marypop commitments: book a babysitter safely


Marypop babysitters speak 35 languages including English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian... Choosing a trusted babysitter who can speak a particular language, it is ideal!


At Marypop, we verify absolutely all the information given by the babysitter before validating her/his registration. Moreover, the parents' opinions appear, in a completely transparent and free way, on each babysitter's page on our site. Finally, our babysitters are committed to respecting the Marypop Charter: punctuality, care, activities, hygiene rules... their service is perfectly in line with it.


The babysitters freely fix their own rates. Furthermore, we charge no administrative fees, no mandatory subscription... you pay nothing before the booking.


A sick child, a last-minute change, it happens to everyone. With Marypop, if you cancel your babysitting up to 12 hours before the appointment, you will receive a complete refund of your babysitting charges. We only keep the amount of the Marypop service.

How to find a babysitter easily with Marypop?

1I do my research

according to the criteria that are important to me: spoken language, hobbies... it is really my choice

2I select a babysitter

and ask her/him my questions via Marypop messaging

3I book my babysitting and pay online

4Marypop pays my babysitter the amount of her/his service

Parents rate Marypop 5/5 on Google

Picture customer
The peace of mind
Competent, serious and involved, the founder of Marypop knows very well what she is talking about.
18 March 2022
Picture customer
We can trust
The creators of this app know what they are talking about and can be trusted!
20 January 2023
Picture customer
Competent, serious
Great service and I like to be in contact with Nathalie who is very reassuring.
23 March 2022
Picture customer
Everywhere with us
Great service. Very good contact. I can't wait for the next vacation.
7 August 2022

Find a trusted babysitter all over Europe

Finding a trusted baby-sitter is not easy, and the task becomes even more complicated when you want your baby-sitter to speak a specific language for your child.

What are the reasons that lead parents to look for a bilingual baby-sitter?

First of all, some families speak two languages at home and very often one of these languages is not that of the country where the family lives.

For these families, the following questions arise: how to maintain, with their children, the level in their language which is not that of the "country" and when their environment is mainly composed of "local" people. And this without too many organisational constraints or without adding new academic learning to the children?

Indeed, within these bilingual families where the concern for transmission is strong, the parents are looking for someone outside the family, capable of speaking to their children in the language of the home. Whether it is English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Korean... or any other language, the desire of bilingual families is the same: to encourage their children to use the mother or father language that they do not speak at school and/or with their friends. At Marypop, you will find babysitters from many countries who will fulfil this mission wonderfully and with pleasure. Imagine that they are also far away from their country and that they will be delighted to meet children who have the same culture as them. As we have seen, this cultural community always creates an alchemy between the children and the babysitter.

At Marypop, we also help expatriate families or families returning from expatriation to maintain their children's language learning. Indeed, children living abroad have a considerable asset which is their multilingualism, which contributes globally to their development and which will be very useful later on in their professional life. Parents who live or have lived abroad often look for a bilingual or native babysitter who speaks a specific language. With 30 languages on the Marypop website, we can promise them, in person or by video, to help them maintain the multilingualism of their children thanks to a babysitter.

You are not a bilingual family and you are not an expatriate? On the other hand, are you one of the parents who would like their children to speak a foreign language in the future? And you are convinced that the earlier and more enjoyably your child learns a language, the better they will master it later? Then you've come to the right place! At Marypop, we believe that language learning is a priority and we help you, thanks to an English, Spanish or other nationalities babysitter, to introduce your child to language learning through games and discussions of everyday life. Your child will also gain an excellent accent, without even making an effort, just by listening to the babysitter talk! Not to mention, of course, the promise of good grades at school!

Finally, our service is aimed at all parents who like to travel with their children. Indeed, during your holidays, you can, quite rightly, call on a babysitter to enjoy your leisure time with two or more friends, or simply to rest. So how do you find a reliable babysitter when you are away from home? How can you get recommendations from other parents about her? How can you find a babysitter abroad who speaks your children's language so that they can communicate easily with each other and feel completely confident? Marypop's service is present in many European countries: Barcelona, Seville, Rome, London, Amsterdam, Tignes, Saint Malo... Whether you are in the mountains or at the seaside, at home or on holiday, Marypop is there for you, with the same site and with exactly the same Parent account.

In short, with its trusted babysitting service, Marypop easily meets the needs of all parents who wish to choose a bilingual babysitter for their children, whether they are on holiday, expatriates, a mixed family or a family wishing to introduce their children to a foreign language.

Focused on trust, Marypop offers a unique service that is in line with the growing trend of parents to offer their children a multicultural and multilingual education in the simplest and most natural way possible.